London Marathon 2025

Tips for Success from Leukaemia Care and JustGiving

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Lauren Levy is a Customer Success Manager at JustGiving. She’s been a part of the team for 5 years and is passionate about helping charities make the most of their JustGiving account and working with them to raise more money.

Hayley Wessier started out in CSR and moved to the charity world about 10 years ago, working for charities such as St John Ambulance, RAF Association and now Leukaemia Care as Head of Fundraising for the last 18 months. Hayley has experience in many areas of fundraising, but has spend most of her career focusing on the Community Fundraising and Events space.

Zoe Makings has worked in challenge events in the charity sector since 2017, and worked at Leukaemia Care since 2022. The main part of her role is looking after London Marathon, including planning event logistics, recruiting runners, stewarding runners, and representing the charity at the event.

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